Food Waste Recycling For Climate Change

Food Waste Recycling For Climate Change

Does your business accumulate a lot of food waste? Not only can this be expensive for your company, but it can lead to our planet paying a price too. Did you know that 1/3 of all food produced goes to waste? That’s equivalent to 1.3 billion tonnes of food being wasted by supermarkets, hotels, distribution centres, hotels, restaurants, schools and also households.

Secondly, did you know that if we all worked together to bring a stop to food waste, we’d eliminate 8% of greenhouse emissions? With these food waste statistics in mind, we have created this article today to shed light on the recent findings of how food waste is affecting our planet and livelihoods.

We are going to be exploring the damage it does, as well as how food waste recycling can be beneficial to businesses, and more importantly, climate change. By sourcing a waste disposal solution, you could save money and encourage positive change for our environment.

How Does Food Waste impact Climate Change?

Not only is wasting food concern for global hunger but its also the most significant contributor to landfills, which in turn, produces greenhouse gases that pollute our air. When wasting food, we are essentially wasting the energy and water that it took to make it. Growing, harvesting, transporting and packaging all goes to waste.

This is already a cause of air pollution through transport and machinery, and combined with the methane created while food rots on landfill, our problem is greater than you may think. Methane is a greenhouse gas even more potent than carbon dioxide. By being released into the atmosphere by non-fossil sources, its able to trap heat in the atmosphere, thus contributing to climate change. 

If we were all to stop wasting food, around 11% of all greenhouse gas emissions that derive from food could be reduced. With our population continuously increasing, this is going to be more challenging to tackle than we ever imagined, but as business owners, we need to take action to make this happen. 

Extreme cases of weather, damage to wildlife and significant changes in temperature are just a select few of the interruptions that climate change will have on our planet if we don’t act now.

That’s why, as a business, we must look for ways that we can independently make a difference to these effects. By implementing a total waste management solution through Fresco, you will be guaranteed an environmentally conscious disposal system that’s tailored to fit your business.

Fresco Environmental’s Waste Management

Here at Fresco Environmental, it is our number one mission to divert food waste away from landfill. To reduce the negative impacts of methane, we create an effective recycling solution for each business, no matter what industry it lies in. Through advanced recycling technologies and our professional and committed account management team, we will always stay up to date with your operations so that your waste is continuously being dealt with accordingly.

Whether you’re in hospitality, production or retail, the volume of food waste that you produce will vary, but we will always guarantee a resourceful solution nevertheless. Through sticking to your businesses budget, and delivering and collecting your waste containers, you can continue to operate with peace of mind.

How Do We Deal With Food Waste?

Here at Fresco, we go through a strict process that ensures that every food waste stream is dealt with appropriately and in line with our zero waste to landfill ethos. Commercial food surplus will either be turned into biogas or animal feed by having it delivered to particular plantations and farms.

In terms of other types of food waste, we will need to undergo a thorough and free full site consultation so that we can get to know your business, its goals and how we can help it to become more environmentally conscious. We will always advise you on the most sustainable waste solutions, and expenditure expectations, while also complying with legislation at all times.

Not only will you be encouraging environmental change through recycling sustainably, but you will also promote a positive reputation for your business. In a world where going green is becoming more and more of a necessity as opposed to a preference, consumers will seek out companies who are conscious in this area— giving you the upper hand in looking more credible.

As a bonus, your business will save on its budget too. Did you know that sending waste to landfill is the most expensive disposal solution? By choosing Fresco, you will always be given an affordable solution to your food waste. 

We hope that we have given you an insight into the importance of food waste recycling for climate change. If you’d like further information on our food waste recycling processes, get in touch with us today on 0151 423 9900 or through our contact page

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